Let It Be Timeline

5 Responses

  1. Popper says:

    I seem to remember UK television showed all the Beatles films one Christmas – maybe 1978? That would mean another screening of Let It Be.

  2. Unknown says:

    Boxing day 1975 & 1979:

  3. Dogma says:

    So, it is true then? that there is no widescreen version of the film? just the same as MMT?

  4. wogew says:

    Let It Be was shot on 16mm film stock, and when it was released for theatrical usage, the film was transferred to standard 35mm non-widescreen (aspect ratio 1.66:1). The picture area of standard 16 mm has an aspect ratio of 1.37:1, and you're right: MMT is the same. It's not 4:3, which was the standard TV screen until widescreen TV became common. This means that it's not quite widescreen, which is 16:9 (standard widescreen TV format, or about 1.78:1 translated to film aspect ratio), but it is certainly wider than the old 4:3 TV standard. For a DVD or Blu-ray release of "Let It Be", the 16mm could easily be made into 16:9 for widescreen TV – but that would involve some cropping of the picture – or pan & scan. A true rendition of the whole picture frame for TV can be done, and will leave black bars over and under the picture area. Note that while the televised versions on BBC showed a bigger picture than the original 35mm film version, the German version showed even more of the picture image and the bits used in Anthology had an even bigger picture frame than the German TV version. So if you look at what the Anthology DVD footage from the film looks like on your widescreen TV, that's probably what we'll get when and if it gets released.

  5. Dogma says:

    Thanks Roger! as always, great info!!

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