New song from Paul McCartney

8 Responses

  1. James19 says:

    So it's a instrumental?

  2. Unknown says:

    So no U.S. release???

  3. wogew says:

    So far, no US release and it's not an instrumental.

  4. Unknown says:

    I guess I have to pre order the soundtrack from Amazon UK

  5. Anonymous says:

    No U.S. release? So what: torrent download for free.

  6. da1slicksta says:

    Scroll down about halfway on the page and you will see a sound bar similar to Soundcloud and click on the >

  7. Vincent Truman says:

    Heard the track on youtube. Couldn't quite make it the through the whole thing. Macca's voice is on some shaky ground.

  8. Claudio Dirani says:

    Maybe becasue he's 74 years old.

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