Twitter: Who is Paul McCartney? Part 2

7 Responses

  1. Unknown says:

    my question is who's kanye

  2. beeb says:

    I have met these people before. They also don't know we have already landed on the moon.

  3. beeb says:

    They are the same people who don't realize we have already landed on the moon.

  4. Ole M. Olsen says:

    If I hadn't already lost all faith in humanity, I certainly would have now.

  5. Martin says:

    Twitter is full of 'Look at me! Aren't I different and funny?' pricks. Social media is a modern disease…. The idiot is now king…

  6. Anonymous says:

    The joke is on the boomers who have become the people they rebelled against.
    Even if these were not mundane trolling comments by people who knew only too well who PMcC is (and, you might belatedly note, have expressed not a word that is shy of respect), it would still be crippling for those who responded so condescendingly and, in some cases, 'violently' to the children of their children.
    It is not any lack of knowledge f PMcC that could indicate the end of civilisation but the RESPONSE OF THEIR GRANDPARENTS.


    2014 was the year of the grey hairs. Step aside and DIE in 2015.


  7. beeb says:

    It is bad Kara to wish people dead. You kind of make the point – thanks.

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