The Sgt Pepper TV

4 Responses

  1. Unknown says:

    I am a volunteer with the Royal British Columbia Museum, which owns John Lennon's Phantom V. I look after the maintenance and service on the car. I have also done some restoration on damaged paint. Sometime about 25 years ago the Sony TV9-306UB portable TV that was installed in the rear console of his car 'went missing'. The museum would like to find one to fill the empty hole where it used to be. If you can help with any leads on one I would be most appreciative. Thanks, Jim Walters. I can be contacted at, and see some paint repair I did at

  2. wogew says:

    Hi Jim! I suppose you monitor ebay? Here's one that looks the part, don't know if it's the correct size though.

  3. Beatlesblogger says:

    Hi Roger, I posted on the Sgt Pepper TV set at
    Just happened upon this post again and decided to look and see if the Okazaki City Mindscape Museum in fact has that “Swingin’ London” exhibit on. It does! Go to:
    My Japanese is non-existent so I put some text from the site into Google Translate and it came back with: “Famous Beatles record jacket Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band) that was captured on television unravel the mystery of the “bill signed by Paul McCartney (invoice),” and so I reckon we are still working out the mystery of the who owned the TV set!

    • Paul Dayrell says:

      I delivered 2 of these Sony sets to Brian Epstien’s London offices. I worked for Rumbelows at that time and I gather that Brian’s North Eastern Music Stores shop in Liverpool was later taken over by Rumbelows. I think Brian had one set for his home and John had the other one. My little claim to fame, other than I did meet Paul one day near his Sussex home and we chatted for about five minutes.

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