Remastered Melbourne concert to be aired in Australia

11 Responses

  1. Vladimir Vakhlov says:

    And where to look? does anybody know? )

  2. Keith Bratley says:

    Hopefully it will include Roll Over Beethoven, I Want To Hold Your Hand and This Boy. Unfortunately Ringo still wasn’t up to singing Boys at this concert.

  3. Chris says:

    I doubt this special will include the missing concert footage. That was destroyed prior to its original broadcast in 1964. No doubt they’ll use the complete audio from the concert and substitute the footage with a montage of highlights from the Australian Tour. Still, I hope they present a creatively edited reconstruction of this classic concert.

  4. Andrew says:

    Reminds me of a Bee Gees concert series One Night Only. Australia leg was in Sydney (99 or 2000?) which I attended, was also broadcast live on TV.
    Really hope there is an official release of most/all of this. Coverage of Oz concerts in the Live movie a few years back was pathetic!

  5. Danny says:

    well that was ok but a also a bit of a let down. Has any Beatles fan ever worked in Television? Watching the old footage they seemed to have a Ringo obsession, cutting to him whenever there was a lead guitar spot or middle 8 – and 56 years on they still can’t get much right. Butchering the footage up, talking over the beatles and slapping ‘orrible coloured graphics over the screen. Ah well – the actual bits of them playing was cool enough i guess. Basically like the Anthology clip of you cant do that in terms of standard (i think?)

  6. Keith Bratley says:

    It appears to be a very disappointing selection of some of the concert, out of order, with ad breaks, people talking over the between song announcements and garish coloured graphics. How annoying.

  7. Brian says:

    “I saw her standing there” was photos up until the guitar solo :/
    Till there was you, Roll Over Beethoven and This Boy… nowhere to be seen

  8. Stephen says:

    Well, down here in Western Australia, I’m halfway through this program. It’s filled with unnecessary padding and heaps of advertisements.
    No footage of the concert yet, and the programs been on for 25 minutes.
    Disappointing, but not surprising.

  9. Stephen says:

    The commentary describes how the crowd weren’t really interested in the support acts, they just wanted the Beatles.

    So we get lengthy footage of the support acts when all we want is the Beatles.

    Pathetic. I’m turning it off.

  10. David says:

    Channel 9 butchered it, really. But I still teared up.

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