New teaser

2 Responses

  1. M Adoo says:

    The clarity is incredible. After waiting so many years for just a release of a watchable remastered Let It Be and the more one sees the clips of this upcoming series, it seems that our patience is going to be rewarded.

  2. James Peet says:

    I haven’t seen anything of Peter Jackson’s work, though I knew he had done the Lord of the Rings films. I decided I’d check out his film They Shall Not Grow Old, which had film from the Great War cleaned up, colourised and paired with the soundtrack of recordings of soldiers from the war, giving their stories to the Imperial War Museum in London. To say the least, I was stunned at the images and the marrying of the soldiers’ voices and some sounds which gave the pictures more punch. It did a great service to those who fought and survived and those who had perished. Dignity was writ large at every second. I believe Peter Jackson did not take a fee for his work on the film and he upgraded all of the IWM’s film archive from the war. I greatly admire him for this film.

    The work we’ve all seen on the new Beatles film is beautiful, it has presence and is vibrant and colourful. I think we’re in for a treat. It’s wonderful that there is technology to carry out such improvements to existing film from years before, and render them so that they appear to have been filmed yesterday. I’ve been waiting for this for such a long time, as have many. Roll on the 25th November!

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