Cinematic release for One Hand Clapping

4 Responses

  1. Sergey Utkin says:

    “Baby Face” was ok in 2010. “Suicide” was cut, then one year later included in McCartney deluxe.

  2. Reed says:

    Sadly, the video quality still resembles a bad VHS copy. Unless they pull a rabbit out of a hat and find a superior quality print, expecting people to spend money to see this in the theater is a bad idea.

  3. Tony Littman says:

    It’s Paul McCartney, it’s Wings, it’s all great songs…. but it’s been FIFTY YEARS for goodness sake! Bruce McMouse, Rock Show, Hot Hits And Cold Cuts, Rupert The Bear, the Archive series… who is to blame for the sometimes decades delay and sometimes complete failure to finish and release these projects?

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