Colourised early Beatles photos

The Beatles at the Star Club, Hamburg, 1962. Colourised by Daffa Anargya Sardjono (19), from South Tangerang, Indonesia
The Daily Mail online yesterday featured an article about early Beatles photos which has recently been colourised by a young Indonesian artist, like the one above. That one is from the Star-Club, Hamburg, 1962. We also fell for his colour version of this classic shot of The Beatles at the Casbah Club. It was taken at a gig where bass guitarist Stuart Sutcliffe was in Hamburg, so Paul has equipped his Rosetti Solid 7 electric guitar with three piano strings to use it as a makeshift bass guitar.
Source: Mail Online
Don’t. Just don’t.
I think that the choice of pink lilas colour for Paul shirt is a mistake, because this colour would have appear dark or black in a black & white picture.
Looks great to me