Trailer and poster for upcoming Lennon documentary

6 Responses

  1. Rob Geurtsen says:

    On my way to Venice… I get to see the John documentary… just wondering whether it will maintain the Lennono propaganda we have had for years, and soon again with Mintz’s book out, or perhaps will this documentary jump the boundaries of that old old story? The music is the main reason why I want to get an early view/listening experience.

  2. perrinyone says:

    Man, they are really scraping the barrel. A documentary about some of the cringiest TV ever…..and another about one of the most musically mediocre, underwhelming concerts of the 70s.

  3. Harriet Seltzer says:

    Couldn’t get in to see or hear a trailer or anything.

  4. Ricardo Gil Salinas says:

    One to One: If it`s just the concert, I’ll be happy to see it, especially if it’s been properly mixed. But I don’t want to go thru the same old stories and talking-heads again and again. As for the Daytime Revolution: I’ve been a Lennon fan ever since I was at primary (I’m 55), and, believe me, I’m sick and tired of hearing the same things from people I don’t care for. Gimme music, just got to gimme some rock ‘n roll.

  5. Stoneburner says:

    There’s a song on a Lennon bootleg (who’s title escapes me I’m afraid) where he comments that when he dies “they’ll be selling my socks like Judy Garland’s”.
    These documentaries are (metaphorically) those socks.

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