Abbey Road reshoot

5 Responses

  1. Debjorgo says:

    So the web cam is pointing the wrong way?

  2. wogew says:

    Yes, it's mounted just outside the studio gates – so it shows "the other side" of the zebra crossing.

  3. Unknown says:

    In bewegten Bildern auch auf youtube

  4. 42N says:

    Roger: You do a great job of discovering Beatle related stories. I appreciate your work. This post (and links to your past work) was informative and well written. I find it fascinating that these four men have had such a huge impact on us even up through today.

  5. Nicholas Haynes says:

    50 years plus and still NOBODY can place a name to to the owner of arguably THE most famous volkswagon in the whole history of….er.. Volkswagons?!
    If Paul is Dead is catorgarised as a conspiracy theory/urban myth, then surely it is logical to describe The unknown Owner as the ultimate conspiracy of silence!!!!

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