The Beatles and fashion

These days it seems, the only aspect of The Beatles that remains in focus, is their music. We tend to forget that the Beatles influenced a lot of other areas in their time. Art, fashion, politics, writing, philosophy, you name it. I don’t know if this is a true story, but a remark by John Lennon in an interview about wishing that girls’ skirts and dresses was shorter, supposedly started the miniskirt craze…

Anyway, Paolo Hewitt examines the Beatles’ inluence on fashion in the upcoming book Fab Gear: The Beatles and Fashion. Here’s the blurb: The Beatles’ incomparable fashion sense takes center stage in this unique look at how the world’s most popular band influenced the fashion of the times. The Beatles knew how much image mattered in the 1960s, and whether it was Nehru jackets, skinny ties, granny glasses, or the Cuban heel boot–if John, Paul, George, or Ringo wore it, the rest of their millions of fans followed. Renowned music and fashion author Paolo Hewitt takes readers on a fashion tour of the Beatles’ career and the trends they co-opted. From their Hamburg debut in sunglasses, leather, and black sweaters to the conservative suits they were ordered to wear by their manager Brian Epstein; from their infatuation with Pierre Cardin’s collarless jackets to their more casual corduroy; from their Mod madness to psychedelic spaciness to faux-military attire to hippy-chic–each style is revealed as a reflection of the music they made and the world views they embraced. 

Filled with fabulous photographs and with an appealing retro feel, the book features numerous images, many of which have never been published before. It offers insights into how the band’s meteoric rise and enduring success shaped their fashion choices. 

There’s even a chapter devoted to their hairstyles. 

Fans of all ages, as well as anyone interested in fashion, will be enthralled with this first ever Beatles stylebook that proves the Fab Four were as timely as they were timeless.

In an interview with Liverpool Echo, author Hewitt says that he enjoyed finding another angle to writing a Beatles book, and that he spent an enjoyable week in Liverpool as part of the research.

“They had the same ideas with their clothes as with their music,” says Paolo. “As soon as another bands started to copy their look, they’d move on and wear something else. they were innovators, and they hated following the pack.”

The book will be released on October 24th.

1 Response

  1. Keir says:

    My work shoes are Beatle boots from Matthew St..

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