Beatles priced lower who blew the whistle on The Beatles remastered CD’s two days ago by putting the individual CD’s up on their site for pre-ordering has today priced down the CD’s. The price was set at £11.69 for single and £17.59 for double CD’s (“White album” and Past Masters), but has now been priced at £8.98 for single CD’s and £15.98 for the double ones.
Meanwhile, fans of the way The Beatles songs were mixed on Yellow Submarine Songtrack and the Anthology DVD’s are frustrated by the fact that the new releases are merely remasters of the old familiar sound picture of the 1960’s and not remixed from the original studio multitracks, like they did for those two releases. The stereo mixes of the sixties were made while stereo was still an experiment, and the stereo mixing sessions were never attended by The Beatles themselves, or even George Martin. The Beatles latter day chief engineer Geoff Emerick sticks by the mono mixes, those were the ones they put a lot of care and work into. The stereo mixes of the sixties have a lot of what today’s ears find ridiculous, like vocals in one speaker and instruments in another. Yellow Submarine Songtrack proved that by mixing the multitracks like one would have done today, better sounding songs are the results.

2 Responses

  1. Tibor says:

    Well, we will see (or listen to be exact). I am curious about the new mono editions, as they sound quite different. I think all recordings will sound like the LOVE versions-fresh, rich and crispy.

  2. Anonymous says:

    hey bulldog sounds amazing in the YS songtrack so i totally agree with these comments, they should have meade new mixes

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