The Beatles’ Swedish Scrap Book

This week-end there was a record fair in Oslo. I didn’t buy any records, but I came home with this 120 plus pages scrap book, obviously put together by a swedish fan back in 1964. The big picture above shows The Beatles arriving at Arlanda Airport outside Stockholm in 1964.

Some of the images are from Beatles books of the time, and some are from newspapers and magazines. Some are familiar, and some haven’t been reprinted since.

I thought I’d share some of these pages with you.

On the beach and on stage

Some of the pictures are from the swedish version of one of the two “Meet The Beatles” books.


A page full of collector’s cards

Bespectacled trio, detail from the page below

The Beatles in the USA

I probably spent too much on this book (I paid around $100), but it’s fun to sit down and look at all the labour of love some fan had when putting the book together in 1964.

3 Responses

  1. Sergio Taraddei says:

    Wow!Very intersting book Wog!!
    P.s have you some spoiler about the setlist of upcoming Macca tour in Europe??
    Will be there some new add in the setlist?
    Yesterday Brian Ray sent to me a mail on myspace and he said that more songs will be added 🙂 I hope!
    My dream is to hear beatles songs never performed live until now like "Lovely Rita" and "The night before" but also some surprise about your solo year songs like "Beautiful night"
    I hope in your kind answer.
    Cheers from Rome!!


  2. wogew says:

    No, haven't heard any leaks, so maybe we have to wait until December 2nd.

  3. Unknown says:

    i just came across this by searching "rare Beatles pictures" in Google (for my screen saver). and i must say you did not pay too much for this book. what an amazing find! <3

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