Complete promo clip collection

8 Responses

  1. Disker says:

    are there any of this on 5.1 dolby or DTS? otherwise, not interested…

  2. Unknown says:

    I wouldn't go holding your breath..

  3. LonglivetheBeatles says:

    Misterclaudel is a day late and a dollar short !!

  4. Unknown says:

    Japanese Mr. Claudel company specialized in mediocre sourced fom VHS quality and this i not complete either there are a few promo videos that do not circulate and they do not have access to. Also most of their releases are vastly overpriced not worth the money

  5. Unknown says:

    I have the deluxe BluRay 1+ on order to go with my Red & Blue Album Pignon DVDs which are DVD-9s and cover over six hours of promos on two discs using the 2009 remastered stereo. I really like some of Misterclaudel's titles , but they always seem to stretch out material over as many discs as they can.

  6. Anonymous says:

    This is a really bad move and probably the next phase in a type of fan/collector arrogance which had previously overtaken the Prince community, resulting in that artist's forceful removal from YouTube of his work.

    Beatles fan stuff including bootleg stuff has until now enjoyed a latitude that is fairly extraordinary with some instances only of Apple blocking material they plan to reissue or which has been restored for use by them.

    That fans/collectors are buying/selling blatantly-competing product does not bode well for this latitude.

    The arrogance which is underneath this stems, in my opinion, from would-be 'stars' of the Beatle fan community whose websites and fan activities have now blossomed into semi or fully professional operations including radio shows, stations and news sites.

    And a heavy part of this is a determination that they and not Apple have it right that they and not Apple/Universal have the right and the rights.

    This is not the case. And frankly, theirs is an apple I and many other appreciators (because 'fan' is short for 'fanatic') of The Beatles and their operations DO NOT SUPPORT.

    This, again, does not bode well for some greedy, fat and arrogant 'fans'.


  7. Unknown says:

    I'm really not sure what the above comment intends to convey , but rest assured the above referenced bootleg product will be of no consequence to the release of 1+ in that its appeal will be to but the most minute faction of collectors. Moreover, in a more general sense those of us who procure bootlegs, purchase them in addition to genuine releases not in lieu of them.

  8. angel says:

    what does it mean PV mix ?

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