Eight Days A Week – Special edition for Japan

7 Responses

  1. Sergol999 says:

    I think that the footage in the beginning was originally in B'n'W, and was only later colorized for the film.

  2. BWSmythe says:

    They won't bother with other editions, surely – Japan's always a special case when it comes to music.

    The rest of us will get "the Beatles in America (and a few other brief clips)" that it was always going to be.

  3. Foxx says:

    I have nothing against the Japanese. But why is it that they always seem to get the extra bonus track? Not only Beatles product, but other music as wel?

  4. D says:

    And from the "I'm Only Dreaming" Department:

    "Those residing near the River Mersey are also scheduled to receive a special film edit, including complete live versions of 'Nowhere Man,' 'If I Needed Someone,' 'Yesterday' (Paul solo, on organ), 'Day Tripper' & 'We Can Work It Out' from the second concert of the day that The Beatles performed at the Empire Theatre, on December 5, 1965."

    Guess what, gang?

    If this were true, I'd happily relocate to Liddypool in a heartbeat!

  5. Pancho says:

    Maybe in Germany they will have more about the Hamburg days and the Bravo Blitz Tournee

  6. Peter says:

    Japan usually gets JAPAN ONLY extra tracks due to the high price of albums there, going for $30 even.

  7. Fan On The Run says:

    I was on the edge of my seat watching this Hollywood Bowl clip. Simply FANTASTIC! More please!!!

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