John Lennon On The Air With Dennis Elsas

Dennis Elsas: “John Lennon was my “surprise” on-air guest on September 28th, 1974, 40 years ago this weekend. What began simply as an opportunity for John to promote his just-released Walls and Bridges album turned into two hours of radio magic: John as the DJ, John discussing his former bandmates and speculating on the possibility of a Beatles reunion, John sharing some of the secrets behind the songs, and John just being John. These are some of my favorite moments from that unforgettable day”.

1 Response

  1. Michael Hockinson says:

    Lennon's afternoon on WNEW is a perfect moment in the history of radio – informative, entertaining and very, very funny. If Ono were smart, the next time she needs product to commemorate an anniversary, she should think about issuing this show, in its entirety, with all the songs John played and all the commercials he commented on.

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