Live compilations

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Good call Roger – we can only hope. You never know, we might even get Let It Be one of these days….

  2. Anonymous says:

    The short answer to the question is that 'The Beatles' is not a band but a brand ruled by a committee of committees and that ideas that arrive for approval still go via a long route which features trip-wires.

    Things are getting better but ideas are always pragmatic, never ideal and that's because the ideal never gets to final approval stage unless by superhuman skills of persuasion, doubleback alleys, reverse psychologies played forward and extra cheese.

    A new record company environment for the first time in 5 decades isn't helping

  3. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile: while you're waiting, some music:

  4. Brian Fried says:

    Paul's mic malfunctioned at the Bowl in '64. Plans to release the live recording were shelved because George Martin couldn't get a proper mix and, by the time the '65 shows were done, most of those numbers were no longer active in The Beatles' repertoire.

    Tokyo '66 is also awful to listen to repeatedly. This would end up in the used bins quite quickly.

    More importantly, Roger, you run into the problem of repetition between years. Much as the first may excite, only fans would buy the same songs from different shows.

    Live recordings will come to protect their copyright, and I suspect Apple will announce intention for a live set in 2015 to avoid losing the copyright on any 64 live recordings that don't make it onto the next Bootleg Series release. (Washington, in being part of the iTunes release, is now copyrighted as are the existing 64 recordings on the 1977 Bowl record.)

    My guess is that next year will see a 4 disc set of The Beatles Live to commemorate The Beatles at Shea with one CD being Hollywood Bowl, a second being Shea, a third being Candlestick and the fourth being either Ed Sullivan appearances or the rooftop concert.

  5. Whitcomb says:

    My 6-disc live box would consist of:

    CD 1: The best concert recordings spanning 1963-66, starting with that screaming din from Shea Stadium and the intro by Ed Sullivan. The goal here would be to issue a definitive live Beatles album, ranging from Shea to Munich to Sweden and points in between. My best guess is you could come up with 15 to 20 live tracks, maybe more, and avoid overlap.

    Bonus tracks: Sound check and rehearsal recordings, such as the bluesy version (with harmonica)of "I Saw Her Standing There" at the Cavern Club. Plus, and this might seem like an oxymoron, the best of the Star Club tapes — such as "I'm Talkin' About You."

    CD 2: The Hollywood Bowl album as issued in 1977.

    Bonus tracks: The '64 and '65 concerts in their entirety.

    CD 3: The Washington Coliseum concert, quite possibly the best show the Beatles ever did. If it's available on iTunes, why not CD?

    With a companion DVD of the televised show.

    DVD 2: Shea Stadium concert film, with the original vocals/instrumentation, not the overdubbed version.

    Bonus: Munich and Budokan concerts.

    DVD 3: The Beatles' TV appearances. The entire Ed Sullivan repertoire plus Shindig!, BBC and other European TV appearances; the "Our World" telecast of "All You Need Is Love" etc.

    I would hang onto the rooftop concert for a Let It Be extravaganza.

  6. Guille says:

    Hello everybody! I think in different projects:

    1- Washington Concert 1964 Complete (CD + DVD + book)

    2- Shea Stadium 1965 Complete (CD + DVD + book)

    3- Budokan 1966 (two concerts) (CD + DVD + book)

    4- The Beatles Live 1963-1966 (with a compilation of different footage and audio. With things of the previous, and a lot of others, like Liverpool 1963, London 1964/65 Paris 1964/65, Australia 1964, Germany 1966…)

  7. david says:

    Audio quality , and performance wise, the Philadelphia and Indianapolis shows are two of the best from from 64, and would make for a great release as part of a package. Doubt we'll ever see anythinh legit, however.

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