Magical Mystery Tour Blu-ray in October
The MMT cover |
Due to a slip-up over at Amazon, earlier today was a listing for preordering the Magical Mystery Tour Blu-ray from The Beatles/Apple (mentioned by us back in April). The preorder page was pulled again, after it was written about over at the Beatles Examiner page. Amazon Japan still has it listed at the time of writing, though. According to both the pulled US Amazon page and the one in Japan, the release date is set to be John Lennon’s birthday, the 9th of October 2012.
My guess is that Apple won’t allow listing the blu-ray just yet, they are probably still working on a trailer, a dedicated website and various other merchandise.
Unlike A Hard Day’s Night and Help!, whose raw film material was destroyed back in the sixties, Apple still has every inch of film shot during the production of Magical Mystery Tour. This should provide for a bonus feature feast for us dedicated followers.
The Magical Mystery Tour release will also coincide with the 2012 TV special about the making of the movie.
I don’t think it’s risky to speculate that this may be the very project Giles Martin mentioned in June.
Here’s the contents of the upcoming release, courtesy of the British Film Board (details may still change):
Magical Mystery Tour (feature) (53 mins)
You can also watch the film with a director’s commentary by Paul McCartney
Bonus material sections:
Your Mother Should Know (2:38)
Blue Jay Way (3:55)
The Fool On The Hill (3:01)
Nat’s Dream (1:59)
I’m Going In A Field – Ivor Cutler (2:39)
Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush – Traffic (2:38)
The Making of Magical Mystery Tour (19 mins)
Ringo The Actor (2:22)
The Cast (10:53)
Hello Goodbye (3:35)
(Credits) (45 secs)
Cannot wait to get this on blu ray…MMT has always been one of my favorite Beatle films with all of its psychedelic weirdness.
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This will be worth it for the 5.1 mixes alone, especially if you're one keen on deconstructing multitracks, as with the Anthology/Help! DVDs, and the multitracks leaked from Rockband.
Broadcast details for Magical Myster Tour/Revisited on BBC Oct 6 2012