McCartney Archive news etc.

3 Responses

  1. Brian Fried says:

    Any idea if the mid-70s material is just to get them out under Top Spin or are they new releases?

    The only reason I ask is that the archives material for Venus & Mars and Speed Of Sound we know about is fairly weak and will be easier to do than Ram. (Then they can do a deluxe WoA/Rockshow set for early 2013 to keep the fans happy.)

  2. cb70 says:

    Rock Show is reportedly coming out as a separate release by the company Eagle Rock Entertainment. This was mentioned recently in a trade magazine. The 3 albums from V&M to WOA will be part of the archive series and come in multiple formats like all previous releases.

    Look for some nice audio surprises on the website once the go-ahead is given.

  3. Martin Quibell says:

    I think it is an interesting request from Giles Martin about Paul's demo's, because that could that make the job easier, and he seems to be doing a good job.

    Giles may be stretching himself in some ways though considering that he has started work on a Beatles project that is a hush hush affair, as well as the obligatory Early Takes Vol 2 for George Harrison.

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