Paul McCartney Archive Collection news

5 Responses

  1. stpetric says:


    I love your music, Paul, but these are second-tier discs that you're asking ultra-premium prices for!

  2. wardo says:

    Well, this is encoring. I'm still wondering what the heck they'll use to fill up a second Speed Of Sound disc.

  3. wardo says:

    That, of course, should read "encouraging". Sorry about that.

  4. Unknown says:

    Now on Amazon UK

  5. Gabo says:

    I was frustrated too by the price, till i found that that was the price of the IMPORTED version of the deluxe CDs and i foun the BOOK version in only 79.89 dollars each. Its strande that the 2 disc version is offered in 71.89 dollars. I think there's a mistake in the prices here, or i missed something. Someone can researh a little more?

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