Ram Deluxe details
RAM Deluxe 4CD/DVD + download details.
CD1: Ram (remastered)
1. Too Many People
2. 3 Legs
3. Ram On
4. Dear Boy
5. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
6. Smile Away
7. Heart of the Country
8. Monkberry Moon Delight
9. Eat at Home
10. Long Haired Lady
11. Ram On
12. The Back Seat of My Car
CD2: Bonus tracks (remastered):
1. Another Day
2. Oh Woman, Oh Why
3. Little Woman Love
4. A Love For You (Jon Kelly remix)
5. Hey Diddle (Dixon Van Winkle mix)
6. Great Cock And Seagull Race (Dixon Van Winkle mix)
7. Rode All Night
8. Sunshine Sometime (earliest mix)
CD3: Ram mono (remastered)
1. Too Many People
2. 3 Legs
3. Ram On
4. Dear Boy
5. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
6. Smile Away
7. Heart of the Country
8. Monkberry Moon Delight
9. Eat at Home
10. Long Haired Lady
11. Ram On
12. The Back Seat of My Car
As a promotional strategy when the album was new, McCartney decided to make separate mono mixes of each track on the album, designed specifically for AM radio airplay and send out a promotional album in very limited quantities to radio stations that were not broadcasting in stereo. As with some earlier Beatles mono albums, these were not simple fold downs of the stereo tracks but actually were unique mixes that in some cases differed considerably from their stereo commercially released counterparts.
CD4: Thrillington (remastered)
1. Too Many People
2. 3 Legs
3. Ram On
4. Dear Boy
5. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
6. Smile Away
7. Heart Of The Country
8. Monkberry Moon Delight
9. Eat At Home
10. Long Haired Lady
11. Back Seat Of My Car
This CD is an instrumental cover version of Paul and Linda McCartney’s album, Ram. Arranger Richard Hewson was asked to arrange the orchestration before Ram had yet been released and it was recorded in June 1971—with McCartney as producer—and with an intended release shortly thereafter. When it finally saw release in 1977, McCartney invented the fictitious socialite Percy Thrillington, and even took out ads in various UK music papers announcing Thrillington’s so-called comings and goings to generate curiosity and interest. The album was released under the pseudonym of Percy “Thrills” Thrillington, and sold very little, making it an instant rarity. “Thrillington” was issued on CD in 1995 and 2004.
Ramming (documentary of album)
Heart Of The Country
3 Legs
Hey Diddle
Eat At Home On Tour
+ a selection of “Now Hear This” jingles
Download – Hi Res audio (both limited and unlimited)
The “book edition” will also have a 112 page hardcover book included in a deluxe package.
Release date May 22 in USA, May 21st in the UK and Europe.
There will be five different physical editions:
Standard 1CD, Special edition 2CD, DeLuxe w/book 4CD+1DVD, Stereo vinyl 2LP and mono vinyl 1LP.
Concord learned a lesson the hard way: When this series commenced, they made the mistake of including the DVD not only with the DeLuxe book edition of “Band On The Run”, but it was also included in one of the cheaper packages. The result was that the DVD collectors went for that cheaper package. Dealers who then got stuck with the book edition eventually had to let it drop in price, in order to be able to shift copies. On the next releases, “McCartney”, “McCartney II” and now “Ram”, the DVD is only available to those who also shells out for the book edition.
All material is very good, especially RAM on MONO and Thrillington but the DVD is very simple, I hope that is not all they going to include. On the other hand, would not be bad to include some alternate takes of songs such as Uncle Albert.
I have been utterly underwhelmed and disappointed at the bonus material on all 3 McCartney reissues to date, and now this as well. It's almost as if there's a deliberate decision not to include anything notable that hasn't been out before. There's been only a handful of new studio tracks across all 4 deluxe issues. It can't be that there are no alternate takes. It can't be coincidence that almost all bonus tracks have been out before. Disappointed bigtime.
It's not a coincidence that almost all bonus tracks have been out before. This seems to be their plan. Visit this thread here: stevehoffman.tv/forums/showthread.php?t=280580 for a better explanation.
I'm HIGHLY disappointed. 8 pages less for the book? $100 on Amazon when the previous were $50?
1) The mono mixes of “Another Day” and “Oh Woman Oh Why” are missing, and the latter has notably different ‘gunshots’ than the stereo mix.
2) “Great Cock And Seagull” is actually from AFTER Wild Life, while “Bip Bop/Hey Diddle” (from Wingspan) comes before it.
3) No live recordings! I **REALLY** wanted Paul to release the 1993 performance of “Another Day,” and/or the 1972 Hague show recordings of “Eat At Home” and “Smile Away.”
4) NONE of the rumoured “just found” demos, including a song that wasn’t known before on any bootleg.
Also: the mono mix needs to make sure it has the “Now Hear This” jingles that were mixed in between tracks. My guess is that it won't.
That said, ANY re-release of RAM, especially with the commercially-available mono mix of the album not available now, is a good thing.
Maybe Great Cock is from Ram. It was rumored to be released as a b-side to "Get On The Right Thing" around August '71 so that puts it a few months before the December recording date we've all heard about.
Plus, we just learned that "I Lie Around" was recorded during Ram so anything's possible.
The "Now Hear This" jingles were not mixed in on the original mono Ram it was another promo entirely sent to radio stations.