Retouching the Abbey Road cover

11 Responses

  1. georgefromhenley says:

    no idea where i read it – but i think Ian claimed that the girl was in the original shot. i also read the heaven was made more blue afterwards…

  2. wogew says:

    I don't know, she may have been added for effect or to mask something, don't you think? As for the sky, well it is certainly more blue on the album cover than on the outtakes. And the colours are also a lot warmer, at least on the original UK release.

  3. arrownet says:

    I seem to recall Iain Macmillan saying that the girl walked passed as they were taking the shot – she was totally oblivious to what was going on.
    Which is why she's somewhat blurred.
    Naturally, that would be the photo to use!

  4. georgefromhenley says:

    Here is a quote from WIKIPEDIA:

    After the shoot Iain went to find a road sign for use on the back cover. It was taken on the corner with Alexandra Road. During photographing the sign a girl in a blue dress walked through the shot. Iain was angry but later it was chosen as the back cover. The wall with the sign was demolished several years later.

    Personally I dont believe the retouching story.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Terrific, thank you for sharing. Abbey Road was my very first Beatles album, I got it in the early 70's

  6. Michael Hockinson says:

    Roger, you are planning to compile all your Abbey Road articles into a book someday. Right? Wonderful stuff.

  7. wogew says:

    No book is in the works, I'm afraid. It would be pointless without the photos to illustrate it and they would be too expensive to acquire for print publication.

  8. Adam Smith says:

    I interviewed Iain about the cover shots for The Beatles' London. The girl on the back cover just walked past as he took the one shot. He was pleased with the effect. He explained how he photographed other road signs in the area to create the 'The Beatles' lettering overlay. He was a generous host, and then (1987) still had the transparencies, which viewed with a backlight were simply stunning. Like looking from a window. I had not realised how red John's hair was until then. He told me transparency 5 (the front cover) had been sent to NYC and never returned. I don't know if it subsequently surfaced, and wonder if sets including 5 subsequently printed and signed by Iain were completed using a duplicate or other recreation.

  9. MichaelG says:

    It's said that the BEATLES sign was created from photos of other street signs. The BE in BEATLES has been re-used from the BE in ABBEY. You can see this from the markings on the letter B. The LES in BEATLES looks like it came from one street sign, possible WELLESLEY COURT not far from Abbey Road.

  10. johnggold says:

    I have an original unretouched artwork, as I did the print for Colorcel way back when only 19.

    The girl was in the shot before retouching.

    The picture was printed using Kodak dye transfer printing, which allowed retouching using the same dyes as were used for printing.

    Letters were reused. Note the S had a crack from another road, which nearly matched the crack in the wall.

  11. Unknown says:

    It's so interesting reading all of these stories regarding the picture. But, still I would love to know who the girl was. Is she still alive? Also, how come nobody has come forward saying, "Yeah That's Me!" Is sad to know that the wall no longer exist☹️

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