Ringo at Paul’s Concert

I chanced upon this photo today, when I was examining my snaps from Paul McCartney’s concert at London’s O2 on the 22nd of December last year, which I attended. Unforgivingly, I had managed to bring my camera, but had left the memory card in my computer, which was back at the hotel. Thus, I had to limit the camera to take photos at a very low resolution, so that I could manage a few pictures. I was scrutinizing these photos, enhancing them in Photoshop, lookin for Ringo in the audience, and there he was! This was early on in the concert, Ringo is sitting with his wife, Barbara Bach. In front of Ringo, someone is standing up, and to the left of him you can notice Barbara’s sister Marjorie, and her husband, Joe Walsh (blonde longish hair).

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