Sgt. Pepper’s Musical Revolution – clip

5 Responses

  1. Andrew Stanhope says:

    This looks like it's going to be great. Can't wait to see it.

  2. Patsounds says:

    Nice to hear some new studio chatter. It was a good documentary for people who are not familiair with The Beatles.

  3. Yang Kuo says:

    yes good It was a good documentary for people…
    thanks for sharing…
    gclub online

  4. Music Crazy says:

    People like who don’t have much information about The Beatles. This documentary will really help to know their greatness as a musicians better. Thanks for sharing anyways.

    Musical Instruments

  5. karan says:

    if you are a Beatles fan and if you wish to preserve the mystery and the magic of the inner workings of these songs. For all Beatles fans, this is must-watch stuff.

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