The smelly revolution

Looks like my recent piece on this blog about The Beatles music videos has made one of my readers upload the film for all to see. What I wrote was: The footage shot for “Revolution” would result in two versions. The Beatles again sang live to a prerecorded tape.

It has been rumoured that in the eighties, the other version of “Revolution” became standard, because in the first version George moves away from John, commenting to Paul “John smells like s**t!”

Now you can be the judge:

And here’s the full video:

7 Responses

  1. macho says:

    …or "John's mic is shit". It's more than possible 'cos it's sounds quite bad.

  2. Jeff Hitz says:

    Here's a copy of the audio from the video somewhat cleaned up.

  3. Debjorgo says:

    Good try, George, but we're too hip for that these days. Now we've got a little saying:

    He who smelt it, dealt it. Or, the smeller's the feller.

  4. Unknown says:

    i always thought it was "John's Mic Sounds like Shit"

  5. Anonymous says:

    It's 'John's mic sounds like shit'.
    but I prefer the new version!

    Most bizarre Beatle news of year so far!

  6. Anonymous says:

    since george sings backing vocals with paul,i think that is the reason he moved away.and johns mic was very i think he said john's mic sounds like shit.

  7. Fab4John says:

    I think it's in reference to Ringo, who's just started to play the kick drum. "He's trying to break the stage!" That's how I read it.


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