Top 20 unreleased Beatles

3 Responses

  1. Peerke says:

    Here are the lyrics of the original version of ‘IN My Life’. I don’t have the source here (as I am at work):
    There are places I’ll remember

    All my life though some have changed

    Some forever but not for better

    Some have gone and some remain

    Penny Lane is one I’m missing

    Up Church Rd to the Clock Tower

    In the cicrle of the abbey

    I have seen some happy hours

    Past the tramsheds with no trams

    On the 5’ bus into town

    Past the Dutch and St Columbus

    To the Docker’s Umbrella that they pulled down

    Except from those you’ve mentioned I would like to hear one of the original versions of ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’, tried twice by The Beatles before bringing in Eric Clapton.

  2. Anonymous says:

    In relation to number 3 on list “Three Cool Cats” I have a test pressing of this song, but do not have access to the Decca version to compare if it is different or ‘better’ However mine is on a 10″ Emidisc, which from other artists recording at BBC I have seen, that is how some of the BBC test pressings were done. How will I know if mine is possibly the missing BBC recording?

  3. wogew says:

    The Decca audition version of “Three Cool Cats” is readily available on the album “The Beatles Anthology 1”, track 16. You should try to listen for comparison.

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