Police cancels Beatles Anniversary Concert?
I have just been informed that the Daily Express may have to cancel their upcoming 40th Anniversary Beatles Rooftop Concert at Savile Row in London because of Westminster Council and the Police. They came up with health and safety rules that were unworkable and financially impossible. Solutions are currently being discussed though, so it’s still a chance it can happen.
In an earlier posting, we wrote:
” The Bootleg Beatles are recreating the famous “last Beatles concert” from January 30th, 1969 on the place where it happened. The concert will commence at 12 noon and last until 2 p.m. The Bootlegs also appeared on the same location in 1999 for the 30th anniversary. Those in the London area now have an opportunity to experience what it was like to stand in the street below and hear The Beatles without seeing them.”
UPDATE JAN. 19-2009: The concert was eventually cancelled
Links to all the wogblog posts about the Concert at Savile Row Anniversary:
1. Beatles Apple Rooftop Concert
3. Police cancels Beatles anniversary
What a shame – all parties should have checked this out before… Keep rocking: elwood
ouch! as the Rutles would say… Well we can stil bring a guitar
thanks so much for superquick reply, glad I discovered your blog!