Ringo’s albums as playlists

Active on YouTube: Ringo is releasing his albums as playlists.

Ringo Starr is in the process of making his solo catalogue available on YouTube, and has been creating playlists of his albums.
The albums missing are the once he made when he was on the Atlantic and Portrait labels in USA and Polydor in Europe, “Ringo’s Rotogravure” (1976) “Ringo the 4th” (1977) and “Bad Boy” (1978).

In addition, the albums he released immediately following The Beatles’ Anthology series, “Vertical Man” (1998) and “I Wanna Be Santa Claus” (1999) are also missing. Of course, several of the live albums he has made with various editions of his All Starr Band are also unaccounted for, as is the soundtrack CD from the “VH1 Storytellers” TV-concert.

But enough about the ones that aren’t there, here are the albums actually out there on Ringo’s YouTube channel, linked to their entries:

1970: Sentimental Journey (12 songs)
1970: Beaucoups of Blues (14 songs)
1973: Ringo (13 songs)
1974: Goodnight Vienna (14 songs)
1981: Stop And Smell The Roses (10 songs)
1983: Old Wave (10 songs)
1992: Time Takes Time (10 songs)
2003: Ringo Rama (13 songs)
2003: Ringo Rama Limited Edition DeLuxe Set (16 songs)
2005: Choose Love (12 songs)
2007: Photograph: The Very Best Of (20 songs)
2007: Live at Soundstage (14 songs)
2008: Liverpool 8 (12 songs)
2008: Ringo 5.1 (12 songs)
2008: Live on tour (18 songs)
2010: Y Not (10 songs)
2010: Live at the Greek Theatre 2008 (16 songs)
2012: Ringo 2012 (9 songs)
2015: Postcards from Paradise (11 songs)
2017: Give Me Love (14 songs)
2019: What’s My Name (10 songs)

2021: Zoom In EP (5 songs)
2021: Change the World (4 songs)
2022: EP 3 (4 songs)

These playlists have been uploaded in the last few days, some of them as late as yesterday, September 21. So this may be a work in progress, with more albums forthcoming. YouTube is financed partly through commercials, which are played in between the music. There is also a YouTube Premium option, which makes the commercials disappear. A few of the album playlists include music videos, but for the most part there’s only a still image of the album cover showing when the tracks are being played.

There are still a number of albums missing from Ringo’s YouTube channel.

Another video uploaded by Ringo yesterday, is his message for the International Day of Peace 2022:

4 Responses

  1. Nice, but he should also upload all his videos in HD. Hopefully we live long enough to see those one day in prisitine quality.

  2. Nørd says:

    I doubt the missing albums will be uploaded, because those are the albums that are missing from streaming services. I bet it’s a rights issue.

  3. MG says:

    No Christmas album? That’s his best album!

  4. nateboy2 says:

    A pity, since I consider Vertical Man to be his best album.

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