Unboxing Let It Be
It has been a Youtube fad, that eager fans who have been getting their awaited DeLuxe boxed sets early on, have video blogged unboxing the goodies. And lately, some of the Youtubers with the most followers have been singled out by the artists or record companies and given freebies in order to do those unboxings or even reviews ahead of the release date. Perhaps we will see something like that when it comes to “Let It Be” as well, but in the mean time, The Beatles have released this animated unboxing video, with sound and film samples for our enjoyment.
Without Yoko…. And the FILM and DOCUMENTARY?
Thankfully no Yoko.
The film, it’s available, go get it, no need to raise the price of this package for that.
Wonderful to see the red apple again after all these years. I hope there’s also a red apple label in the vinyl box set.
Will Disney have anything to do with this like with the movie?
We believe that all Disney have, are distribution rights to the TV documentary series – and should a theatrical version emerge, Disney or their distribution company Buena Vista will distribute that as well. These audio anniversary releases are released by Universal Music on behalf of The Beatles and Apple Corps Ltd.