Upcoming new editions of the U.S. Albums

24 Responses

  1. RRNYC says:

    So, we get to “enjoy” Dave Dexter’s heavy hand on the reverb knob in all its preserved glory. Can’t wait. 😉

    • Kevin says:

      Haha! That was my reaction, too! Plus who doesn’t love a 28-minute album?

      • RRNYC says:

        LOL, right? Probably only 12 mins of Beatles music on AHDN. I’d much rather hunt down the ’68 Lime Green, ’72 Apple, and ’76 Orange label re-pressings of these (minus for AHDN) before I’d rush to buy these.

    • Win Corr says:

      Is it the Dexter’s? For history and making this a viable product it should. There’s no other point.

  2. HarvG says:

    I’m pumped! Really looking forward to these!

  3. Erik van Heeswijk says:

    Cost a bundle, I’m sure…

  4. Ron says:

    Scraping the barrel now.

  5. Rob Geurtsen says:

    let’s hope they use a factory to create the vinyl records, that provides quality records. Lately it has been a disaster…

  6. Ben says:

    What dynamics? Didn’t Dave Dexter squashed those albums with heavy reverb and compression? In stereo it would be even better, I’ll be listening to all those classics in “amazing” duophonic stereo that all the teenybopers dig nowadays!

    Seriously, Apple is really dropping the ball with this one. Where’s Rubber Soul?

  7. Dan says:

    I just hope they aren’t doing this instead of the Rubber Soul remix for 2024, but I really can’t see them doing both.

  8. Norm says:

    I wonder if these would contain the US Dave Dexter mixes. That’s how we heard them in the US.

  9. William Calderon says:

    Well, I just hope they press them at Optimal.

  10. Tony Littman says:

    The U.S. albums are an abomination unto me. I can’t think of one positive thing to say about them.

  11. Tumble Starker says:

    Are these going to be available in the UK?

  12. DukeViking says:

    I hope for the sake of fans of the American Beatles Capitol Records – this vinyl collection ACTUALLY has the Dexter mixes. The early press release leak throws a lot of mastering jargon and analog path signal details but has yet to explicitly make note of the “Dexter” mixes. If that is not the case of his mixes – the 2004/2006 box sets are the gold standard outside of previous America reissues on LP in the 80s and the OGs in the 60s.

  13. Fiendish Thingy says:

    I’d much rather have a bluray of Let It Be.

  14. Elliott Tuffin says:

    What a waist of time this would be if it’s true !!!! What about RUBBER SOUL ??? Or release an all analog uk stereo box. This it what the fans want. WHY DONT YOU LISTEN APPLE 🍏

  15. VoxStarstream says:

    So the “With the Beatles” tracks on the first two albums will be fold-downs of the stereo just like the originals.

  16. RRNYC says:

    No love for Beatles VI?

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