Tagged: George Harrison

Half a Harrisong 2

Half a Harrisong

Olivia and George Harrison Olivia Harrison was a guest on a BBC radio show on Monday, during which she let us hear about one minute of a demo with a previously unknown song by...


George Harrison also set for SHM-CDs

Does the SHM-CD format bring some extra texture to the music? One of our readers has alerted us to the fact that on October 28, George Harrison’s individual titles which were in the Apple...


George’s house sold

George Harrison’s childhood home as it is now. George Harrison’s former Liverpool home, 25 Upton Green in Speke, was sold for £156,000 at an auction yesterday – to a Beatles fan who tried to...


Three Beatles and Barbara

A photo Barbara Streisand published on Twitter for Lennon’s 74th birthday recently. On April 7, 1973, Universal executive Jennings Lang hosted a fund-raiser at his home for Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo, then on...


George updates

Catering to the U.S.A. market. Sorry for taking so long between posts these days, but I’m currently busy putting together the new “Norwegian Wood” magazine, where I’m both editor, lay out designer and writer...


Uncirculating Dark Horse

Dark Horse The promotion campaign for the new George Harrison release “The Apple Years 1968-75” is kicking into high gear, with a week of celebrations coming up on “Conan” and the upcoming Georgefest in...

Make the new What Is Life video 0

Make the new What Is Life video

Apple Scruffs/What is Life: The Norwegian single To celebrate the release of The Apple Years 1968-75 box set, Olivia & Dhani Harrison are giving filmmakers the opportunity to make a music video for George...