Tagged: The Beatles


The Beatles at Johanneshov

A recording from one of The Beatles’ performances at Johanneshovs Isstadion, Stockholm, Sweden suddenly materialised out of nowhere the other day, and started circulating among collectors. The Beatles played four concerts at the venue,...


Ron Furmanek and his work for The Beatles

Restored by Ron Furmanek in 1992, “Let It Be” was again shelved indefinitely. Beatle People: Those of you who have read Dave Morrell’s entertaining “Horse-Dogging” will have read about Ron Furmanek as a young...


Sgt Pepper as a concept album

Music Times has an article about seven half-hearted concept albums, where The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is the first one mentioned. The description goes: ” In addition to being cited as...


New U.K. Beatles magazines

W H Smith has published a magazine with a DVD. This magazine, “The Beatles Are Coming”, was recently published by W. H. Smith in the U.K. It’s 98 pages with 200 photos of Beatlemania,...


Bootlegs of the bootleg

Asian bootleg of the Beatles “Bootleg Recordings 1963” You saw that one coming, didn’t you? Here are the first Asian hard copies of the Beatles’ “Bootleg Recordings 1963”. Of course, not every Beatles fan...


Beatles Bootleg Recordings 1963 – a copyright scheme?

Yesterday’s news about a collection of hitherto unreleased versions of Beatles songs being readied for download on iTunes as an album, has prompted a lot of speculation within the Beatles fan base. There is...