Let It Be – at last

18 Responses

  1. Abbazabba says:

    The edit of “Don’t Let Me Down” on the rooftop is impeccable and, dareIsay, “iconic” in “Let It Be”, Hogg’s cut. “Suzy Parker” isn’t in “Get Back”, right? It’s worth it just for “Suzy Parker” and “Don’t Let Me Down”, and a basically the whole movie! Peter Jackson did very little duplication!

  2. Miranda B says:

    I tried to find a list of what’s missing from Let It Be from Get Back, you’d think there’d be one, not easily found.

    • abbazabba says:

      I’d say a big giant percentage of “Let It Be” is not in “Get Back”. Peter Jackson was very careful not to duplicate. The very opening of the movie, most of that is not in there, with Paul playing piano and Ringo looking forlorn, right? I can pretty much go through the entire thing. The performances of Two Of Us, Long And Winding Road and Let It Be aren’t in the Peter Jackson movie, for instance. Suzy Parker. I don’t think of any of the covers overlapped, did they? Besame Mucho. There’s some overlap in a few “iconic” scenes, like George and Paul arguing and the rooftop concert, but the edits are completely different. An easier list to make would be what IS in both movies, rather than what isn’t!

  3. Paul Murphy says:

    Well, it’s nice to see Olivia, and to a certain extent Yoko, have mellowed. One wonders if the interviews that Mark Lewishon conducted for the originally-planned release, such as with the Mr City Policemen, will see light of day on the physical releases, given just how non-grata his person is with Apple since ‘PeppertapeGate’. If the online comments abounding about this are an indicator (for once), the consensus seems to be that most people want a full, uninterrupted rooftop performance (5 individual songs not qualifying as a ‘concert’ in any way) and the full ballads, and the rest is there in Jacksonville. Let’s hope nothing lese happens to upset anyone else and it Gets put Back yet again. As I wrote in my book, ‘The Fabbles’, The Beatles started in a basement and ended on a roof. Toppermost of the poppermost indeed.

  4. Rickenbacker620 says:

    Also…the Eight Days a Week documentary also featured outtakes from the rooftop performance

  5. Datar says:

    I wont support Disney, but great work Peter – now do Magical Mystery Tour

  6. Artie Lee says:

    I love “Get Back” and am grateful for it. However I recall seeing “Let it Be” as a teenager and enjoying it until my bootleg vhs wore out……
    Am I right in thinking George and John singing “ you really gotta hold on me “ is missing from “Get Back”. Always liked that bit in the original film.

  7. Ian Childs says:

    Great news. Shea and Budokhan next please.

  8. Burns NuSonic says:

    I assume that what was the 16mm mono print was shown multiple times on Australian TV during the 1970s. I can recall recording the audio from the TV onto a cassette recorder held up to the TV speaker (in the days before VCRs) one wet winter Sunday afternoon sometime between about 1978 and 1980, and this wasn’t the first time I’d seen it. There was also a cinema in Sydney in 1981 or 1982 that ran 24-hour alternating Let It Be / A Hard Day’s Night sessions for a week or two.

  9. Fokke says:

    I hope it is not cropped. Hopefully the dvd/bluray will follow shortly after Disney. I hope the rooftop concert footage without the street interviews etc. will also be made available as a bonus. A cd of the rooftop would be great too. But who am I.

  10. angellus8e9025cca8 says:

    why Disney, and not Apple, is handling the release of the Let it Be film ?

    • admin says:

      Apple is not doing much apart from planning and accounting. They will hire someone to make or put together a product and then Apple will sell the rights to manufacture and distribute to another party.

  11. Blakey says:

    I recall the boys doing ‘Besame Mucho’ on the Anthology TV series, and I don’t think that’s on either ‘Get Back’ or ‘Let It Be’.

    I hope the film is released on DVD Region 2, because Get Back scandalously wasn’t.

    • Ian Beaumont says:

      Besame Mucho is in the Let It Be film in a slightly edited form, at around the 27 minute mark, so I presume it’ll be in the rereleased version. It was one of their original Decca audition tracks of course.

  12. Blakey says:

    I’m no fan of Disney. But it could be worse.
    ABKCO could have been putting it out….

  13. Tim W says:

    For me, it’s not important who distributes it. The issue will be the quality of the upgrade from the terrible audio and enlargement of the prior version of LIB. It appears that a great amount of attention was paid to the process, so I am eagerly anticipating the results. I wonder, in the shadow of the Get Back film, if it is conceivable that there would be some outtakes or other special extras.

  14. Colin B says:

    I have Just watched ‘Let It Be’ on Disney, I hadn’t seen it since I was kid in the early 70’s… its far from the morose film depicting the disintegration of the biggest pop band in history that it was originally and unfairly criticised as, no, its not that at all, it is in fact a marvellous and joyous musical film with most of the songs being played in their entirety. Sure there is one, and only one, very small part were Paul and George have a tiny spat about George’s guitar part in Maxwells Silver Hammer, but thats IT, the rest is just music music music, with a bit of dialogue and banter between the songs, and what songs they were too, and shown being played from start to finish, something the ‘Get Back’ series didn’t do. There is also the fabulous Roof Top performance, and without any of the persistent chopping from one camera angle to another other and that dreadful split screening that just distracted the eye in ‘Get Back’. Having now just watched it again I see ‘Let It Be ‘ for what it really was, and not a bleak portrayal of a band on the brink of disintegrating with only one member desperately trying to keep the stuffing falling out, as it was first reviewed as, its just a great film of a great band making and enjoying music together. I would say that this is the musical version of ‘Get Back’. If this new restored version is not released on DVD/BluRay soon, I will definitely hunt down a bootleg version, as I’m sure thousands of others will do also, so , Over to you to you Apple 🍏.

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