A Magical History Tour – Beatling around LA

12 Responses

  1. Sara S. says:

    I love it!!! I went to L.A. in 2009 and saw a few sights, but not very many. My mom and I were just talking about doing a Vegas (to see Love) and onto L.A. trip and if the Beatles tour there was worth our while. It sounds like it is! Time to book it for next summer. I hope the Ringo exhibit get extended.

    Sara S.

  2. Bev L says:

    We took a tour with Gillian and it is the best. Recommend it to anybody visiting LA and love the Beatles.

  3. Let It Be Beatles says:

    We took the tour a few years back and it is a blast. Besides Blue Jay Way, my favorite stop was the house where Elvis and the Beatles met.

  4. Unknown says:

    What an excellent review of the tour. Thank you so very much. I'm glad you came on the tour as it was truly wonderful and interesting to meet you.
    I hope we stay in touch.
    All you need is love,
    Gillian Lomax

  5. Unknown says:

    This was written quite well and gives a very accurate and inviting summary of Gillian's Beatles History Tour!!
    I've taken it and can say it truly is "A TIME GUARANTED FOR ALL" who take the time!!
    Yeah Yeah Yeah!
    Beatle Tari

  6. Anonymous says:

    Very enjoyable psychogeographic exploration of Beatles LA!

  7. Joe Winkler says:

    OH COOL!
    Especially that last photo. Saw the top one before but not the one with Moon.


    Blog is awesome by the way!!

  8. Robin says:

    Very cool article! And yes, the New York Beatles tour still exists. It's now run by Susan Ryan.

  9. wogew says:

    Thank you Robin, good to know! The New York Beatles tour has a web page here.

  10. Liverpool Transfers says:

    Great piece , Gillian looks to be doing a great job, it helps when your a true fan as well.For Liverpool's favourite Beatles tour! see MopTopTours.com with ever smiling Mr Stevie T

  11. Unknown says:

    Everyone's taking an opportunity to jump in with a plug.

  12. Criss Heller says:

    I've been on Gillian's tour three times, and her interaction with her guests makes it seem like a new tour every time. This is a fab way to spend a half-day with other Beatle fans!

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