Album covers – A Hard Day’s Night

7 Responses

  1. Blumen says:

    Love these album cover articles. There were also the two UK A Hard Days Night EPs, a blue one and a red one.

  2. BWSmythe says:

    First time I actually noticed it was Brambell in the line-up. Ha!

  3. beachgal says:

    Still have my original US LP I got the day it released.

  4. Cliff says:

    Great stuff! Here's my appreciation of that cover:

  5. Sas says:

    What is the exact date the cover was was taken for a hard day’s night album

    • Adam says:

      I’ve been trying to find out for years. I even contacted the high priest of Beatle History, Mark Lewisohn. He emailed me that he didn’t know, either.

  6. Adam says:

    I have never been able to find the date that the album photos were taken. Would anyone on this site happen to know?

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