Beatles 1+ on iTunes

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Beatles 1 with the new stereo mixes has been available on iTunes since November 6, but now the videos are also available from Apple’s namesake. Available now around the world on the iTunes Store, The Beatles 1+ longform video presents all 50 meticulously restored promotional films and videos, each with new stereo and 5.1 Dolby Digital surround audio mixes.

Screen capture from the Norwegian iTunes Store

1+ includes restored videos for all 27 of The Beatles’ No.1 U.K. and U.S. singles, plus 23 more, including alternate versions and other rarely seen clips. iTunes Extra: The bonus commentaries by Paul and video intros by Ringo are also included with this package, as is the 113 page illustrated booklet – now in digital form.

11 Responses

  1. Unknown says:

    nothing on uk iTunes store so far ?

  2. -w says:

    I bought it on the US store 2 days ago but now it has disappeared and I am not able to see it on the store or watch it?

  3. Anonymous says:

    It WAS on the UK store but is now gone.

  4. jeffrey says:

    has anyone heard why the video album has gone missing??

  5. Unknown says:

    FOUND IT !!

    its hidden in FILMS

    I would have thought if you typed in BEATLES in iTunes it would be at top of the list !!

  6. Martin says:

    I wonder why promotion from Apple (the original one, Apple Records. Not the Jobs version) for 1+ has been minimal (to say the least?)? Nothing like the 2009 remasters and Rock Band promotion has been done for 1+. With only a couple of small social media soundbites from Paul and Ringo (one of them said the videos were 'cool' and the other one mentioned a horse). It is not as if either have given up interviews like David Bowie has done. Paul recently talked up 'Tug Of War' and its reissue for Uncut. So you'd think that the long awaited Beatles promos and TV restoration and release would warrant far bigger coverage. It has been left to Giles Martin and Michael Lindsay-Hogg to do any sort of substantial interviews on the 1+ project. Maybe it is something to with Universal why 1+ has been promoted so weakly, and maybe Macca and Richie are annoyed at them for something or other? Who knows? It's a strange way to herald a much awaited video collection for the biggest and best band of all time….

  7. Overmarsanelka says:

    ridware1, that would be "too obvious".

  8. Anonymous says:

    The answer is obvious. The Beatles have had over-promotion since 2009 to the point where the recent coverage has been repetitive in the extreme as well as demanding. that is, there's a militancy developing from a generational sector over the importance of the band which had not been in doubt but is now supposed to be competing at the level of Bieber and Adele. This is unimaginative and futile. The fact that it has had a modicum of 'reality' about it in expectations underlines the band's continuing potency in itself but while there hasn't been a 'legacy' approach to marketing, there now is a 'legacy' virus attached to the social promotion. Boomers' fists raised in anger against young fans who will not capitulate to their own re-buying fixations.

    And 'healthy' sales have been over-exploited to the point where Beatles records are now being heavily discounted. This only underlines Neil Aspinall's reticence.
    The Beatles are no longer a discovery option. They're pushed in your face and if you blink, you're condemned.

    But the backlash is still minimal. Despite provocations from their grandads, the youth still exhibit high respect. This could change if rebellion is activated against the Beatles aged self-appointed social-media sales-reps. Be warned.

    If Apple Corps has belatedly decided to pull back, then it's the wisdom of the Aspinall approach resurfacing.

  9. Martin says:

    Absolutely right of course. Because fans and the music buying public at large were so starved of Beatles releases in the 80s and 90s anything that they did put out was met with a huge response. Even the first CD releases of the Red and Blue albums in 1993 was bigger than the hype for 1+. And the Anthology was the most anticipated musical release in years. Same goes for Led Zeppelin: Nothing was heard for years after the group (and Bonzo's)'s demise. But Page had it spot on when doing things slowly (the remasters, the DVD, deluxe issues). A lack of Zeppelin overkill made people more interested as each release gradually surfaced. The Stone Roses also employ this to great affect. Nothing is heard from them, but a few posters of a lemon scattered about Manchester created near hysteria on the web. There has been in your face Fabs since 20009, I agree. Something I don't think Neil Aspinall or George Harrison would have been happy with. Thanks for the reply, Omaraven Hurst. Nice one….

  10. Unknown says:

    Hi, I agree that high profile releases are becoming a problem. Much better to step back and put Beatle music on streaming services for youngsters to discover themselves, rather than being told they must buy this or that product.

    Surely enough money had now been made, and Apple cam let the music stand for itself on the platform of the day.

  11. Unknown says:

    iTunes extra content is only available when you're on line, it's not downloadable.
    I've contacted apple they confirmed this. so you cannot see the bonus material unless you're connected the iTunes store. could be a legal case here. buy a download and they don't let you download it?

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