Don’t Put Me Down Like This

3 Responses

  1. Unknown says:

    Hi! I’ve just looked through your blogspot and it is really nice! I also love the Beatles, but usualy I don’t get as much information as I would like to. I red about this tape found in Liverpool. How nice is that? But it would be nicer if the happy collector who buys it show its content to the world. In fact, do somebody think it is possible for us, poor mortals, to listen to this tape once maybe? Well, it is still allowed to dream.
    Congrats for your website!
    Greetings from Brazil,

  2. wogew says:

    It appears that the version of Don't Put Me Down Like This on this tape is performed by Cliff Bennett & The Rebel Rousers. So the air went out of that balloon pretty quickly.

  3. Anonymous says:

    hi i have recently noticed that a reel to reel recording was given to me by a man i knew a long time ago it had the beatles titled and was bought from a antique store in the 70’s it looks old and looks like it hasnt been played since then,its is a reel to reel phillips tape, i was wondering if any1 could give me advice on where i can play this tape or to even find out more information about it ,or even if they wanted to buy it my email address is Martin_summers1987[at]

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