Live at Savile Row 2009

The Bootleg Beatles may have been banned from celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Beatles famous rooftop gig on 30th January. However, Bootleg George Harrison (Andre Barreau – on the left) and Bootleg Paul McCartney (David Catlin-Birch – wearing cap) gained access and performed an acoustic version of One After 909…

For full details of the band’s forthcoming tour dates, go to

Ex-policeman Ken Wharfe recounts his memories up on the roof of the Beatles’ old Apple building at 3 Savile Row, London, on 30th January 1969, on the 40th anniversary of the band’s last-ever performance. Ken can be briefly seen in the Let It Be film with a full beard, and in later years achieved fame as the bodyguard of Princess Diana. In the background is former Beatles engineer Dave Harries. (Exclusive footage © 2009 David Stark, all rights reserved).

Links to all the wogblog posts about the Concert at Savile Row Anniversary:

1. Beatles Apple Rooftop Concert

2. Rooftop concert confirmed

3. Police cancels Beatles anniversary

4. No go for Savile Row

5. BBC celebrates Apple rooftop concert

6. Celebration at Savile Row

7. Live at Savile Row 2009

1 Response

  1. Unknown says:

    Very well!! Thanks for providing the detail of this concert & I think it's not good to ban them for celebrating their 40th anniversary.

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