McCartney’s Twitter Q&A
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Photo: ©2013 MPL |
Paul McCartney was live on Twitter today, answering questions tagged with #askMacca. Here’s our transcript of this event.
melissa @dollybird1963: Why did you call the new album ‘New’?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @dollybird1963 I was playing around with more poetic titles but NEW was a simple word and the name of a song on the album
Allen Ramon @allen_sosa: I can’t wait for the New album! What song are you the most proud of on the album? Thank you ! #loveyaman
Paul McCartney: Cheers @allen_sosa I like ‘Early Day’s and the hidden track which is called ‘Scared’. But I like them all.
Carry Your World… @WiressBeetee: What was the inspiration for the album artwork?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @WiressBeetee At meeting about the album cover someone came up with the logo, another said you could treat it in style of Dan Flavin
Tatiane Andrade @tatiii_andrade: What was the most memorable moment during the recording of the NEW album. Can you tell us?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @tatiii_andrade Many memorable moments but especially recording the slide solo at the end of ‘Appreciate’ in LA
Paul McCartney: So many questions coming in right now!
Johan Leijon @JohanLeijon1: What was it like recording with Giles Martin? Any difference from recording with George Martin for so many years?
Paul McCartney: Similar: Both very musical and smart. Different: Giles comes from a younger generation and has a more contemporary approach
Callum Bay @callumbay: Why is your #New song called “Everybody Out There”? And what inspired
Paul McCartney: Cheers @callumbay I wanted to write a song that would get the audience singing along
うをりんぐ@uworing: NEW」の歌詞で「You came along. And made my life a song~」とありますが、これは誰かをイメージして作られたのですか?
Paul McCartney: ありがとう @uworing Nancy!
Thomas O’Keeffe @okeeffe_thomas: Does Nancy have a favourite track from the album?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @okeeffe_thomas Nancy says she likes all of them, but I’ll have to ask her about which is her favourite
skye @campbower: Can you describe the NEW album in one word?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @campbower I’ve been told I can’t say NEW so… “Fresh”!
@JacksonBeatles: What is the last album you bought ? ♥ ♥
Paul McCartney: Cheers @JacksonBeatles: The last albums I bought were by @kanyewest @The_National @thecivilwars and @s_c_ (Jay Z)
Michael Fulfs @MichaelFulfs: What would you say is the hardest aspect about writing a song?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @MichaelFulfs Finishing it!
Jess @tardisofbones: Describe your fans in 3 words?
Paul McCartney: Cheers @tardisofbones Fan-Bloody-Tastic!
Nina Chaubal @NinaChaubal: What strings do you use on your Hofner 500/1?
Paul McCartney: Cheers @NinaChaubal I use flat wound .95 gauge
Zico @11Zico: What motivates you to keep on producing music?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @11Zico A love of what I do!
Sara Moller @magicalmysterys: Are there any current artists you’d like to do a duet with?
Paul McCartney: Cheers @magicalmysterys There was a rumour about a year ago that @bobdylan & I might work together but we haven’t picked up on it
Paul McCartney: Hey! Everybody Out There! Thanks for making trend worldwide! Paul’s got time for two
more questions
Daphne Mather @4flapjacks: When was the last time you laughed uncontrollably?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @4flapjacks The last time I laughed uncontrollably was yesterday at the video shoot
for ‘Queenie Eye’!
Olivia McCartney @olivoil7: What do you think about the fact a large amount of your current fans are teenagers?
Paul McCartney: Thanks @olivoil7 I’m amazed, amused & happy. The band & I are very surprised at what a beautiful young audience we attract!
Paul McCartney: Hi @dollybird1963, thanks for your question. You’ve won this signed CD! Please check your DMs (Click here to see Paul signing the CD, regular edition)
Paul McCartney: Thanks everyone for tweeting in with me! It’s been a great experience and we must do it again sometime… #whatsnew
MPL: Thanks for all your tweets. There have been so many questions we will try and get a few more answered in the coming days…
For the record, here are the questions we tweeted, but weren’t picked:
– Will all your past albums be released in your ongoing “Archives” series?
– Do you have any plans to perform in Australia or Denmark in the near future?
– Is “Early Days” a comment on Mark Lewisohn’s “Tune in”?
– Is the track “Secret Life of a Party Girl” going to be released in some form?
– Will there be any vinyl singles released from NEW?
After that session, Giles Martin tweeted “I’m going down to the Regent St Apple Store on Monday to play a sneak preview of #New @PaulMcCartney come down to ask questions/heckle/etc.”
He will be there from 7.30 pm.
How very bland …