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The Yellow Submarine EP

July 1st, Christie’s held a Popular Culture & Entertainment auction in South Kensington, London. The auction brought in a total of £782,412 (British pounds).

Among the various items auctioned was a collection of material given by Beatles Road Manager, Mal Evans, to his parents, comprising: a black and white publicity photograph of the Beatles, 1964, signed in blue ink by John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, additionally inscribed in George Harrison’s hand To Mal’s Mum And Dad, Best Wishes from the Beatles, a page from a concert programme [probably for the Tower Ballroom or Empire Theatre, Liverpool, October, 1962] depicting a black and white picture of Little Richard, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint pen “May God bless you always, Little Richard, 1710 Virginia Rd, Los Angeles 19 Calif”, a black and white publicity photograph of Jerry Lee Lewis, 1960s, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint pen “To big Mal, Keep Rocking, Sincerely Yours, Jerry Lee Lewis”, a black and white publicity photograph of Ringo Starr with his stand-in during the filming of Help! in Austria, 1965, a printed Christmas card from Apple, 1970 and a corresponding WFIL mailing envelope addressed to Mal Evans at Apple, 24 November, 1971. The lot went for £6.000 ($10.000).

The depicted item above is a copy of Pop Pics No.8, with a double page colour machine-print photograph featuring individual portrait shots of the Beatles, and signed in blue ballpoint pen by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr by their respective image. It went for £4.375 ($7.293).

This well worn 1st edition autographed mono Please Please Me album was estimated to £6-8.000 but managed to realize £13.750 ($22.920)
The Apple acetate whose label is depicted at the top of this posting was a 10″ one, with Only A Northern Song, Hey Bulldog and Across The Universe on side 1, coupled with All Together Now and It’s All Too Much on side 2. Yes, it’s the Yellow Submarine EP! And it was sold for a mere £1.875 ($3.125). And a single sided 12″ version with with track listing inscribed in blue ballpoint pen in an unknown hand Yellow Submarine, Hey Bulldog, Northern Song, All Together Now, It’s All Too Much and All You Need Is Love was sold for as little as £600 ($1.000).
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3 Responses

  1. Unknown says:

    I was 14 it was 1962 Billy Fury and Mike Sarne inter alia were appearing on the Liverpool Empire Theatre. me mate and me went down on the sunday afternoon to hang around the stage door in Lord Nelson Street just in case we could see anyone arriving for the evening show. There were us 2 and about half a dozen other girls turned up over the next hour. The coppers came and told us to move away from the door each time somebody came and we would be shoved over to the other side of the road -miserable gets- but we'd get a smile and a wave as they entered the building. it went quiet for a while but the coppers wouldn't let us go back to the door. all of a sudden me mate says 'there's John Lennon and Paul McCartney as these 2 figures walked up Lord Nelson Street on the other side past the stage door. me and her broke away from the group and ran after them as they turned into Pudsey Street.we saw you on Granada last week you were great, she said give us your autograph. Suddenly some of the other girls appeared 'who is it?' I don't know, but get his autograph anyway. Paul said to a non participating Lennon, sign John, sign 'they don't even know who we are, says Lennon, ok girls, says a happy Macca, calm down, calm down you'll all get our autographs and to John as an aside ' better get used to this John you're gonna see a lot more in the future, sign ! so john did most got both autographs but then the 2 coppers cam e to see what the fuss was about they just HAD to spoil our fun…… hey said the sergeant what's going on , who are you? the other copper shooed us girls back down the road towards the stage door, the sergeant collared both macca and lennon at the back of their necks and shoved them brutally with a 'clear off now or you'll be booked' ok ok said macca smiling worriedly and john looking terrified saying nothing. We were no longer interested in the stars still to arrive so me and me mate went off in the direction of the 2 'criminals' macca had disappeared but John stood in the foyer of the Empire he shooed us away when we called out to him 'stay away, the copper 'll get me -go away! undaunted we hung on a bit longer who you waiting for? we asked -then the copper appeared so we scooted away into London Road, we sneaked back later to witness Cynthia coming across the road and john coming out to meet her and they both sauntered off without a backward glance. that was the only time in all my life that I was ever in such close physical proximity to John Lennon or Paul McCartney that I could touch them and now beloved John will never be there to be touched physically, and I doubt it will ever happen for me in the case of Paul either.

  2. Unknown says:

    I think what I was trying to say was 'memories are priceless'

  3. wogew says:

    Great story! Thank you for sharing it with us 🙂

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