“New” straight to the top!

4 Responses

  1. Masashi says:

    Hello, Roger.
    You may already know, hi-resolution wav and flac(each 96kHz/24bit) file can be purchased from Japanese 'e-onkyo' music site.


    Hi-resolution version not contains 'Struggle'.

    Please check them.

  2. Stephane says:

    After a check on Yellow-sub, Number 2 in France after Stromae, an excellent Belgian artist and 8 in Spain.

  3. Tammy says:

    No wonder Paul has tanked in Australia, snubbing us again for a tour, he has no real standing here amongst the general public.

  4. wogew says:

    Well, he let Denmark down last year when he pulled the dates after tickets had been sold and travel arrangements made without having a real reason for it and he's still no. 2 there now.

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