New Apple documentary coming up

5 Responses

  1. Martin says:

    Wonder if they'll include any Allen Klein interviews or footage?
    At least it will be free of celebrity idiots like Izzard etc….

  2. Anonymous says:

    well sigourney weaver was there at the time.that's why they interviewed her and showed her there at the concert.

  3. db says:

    Hopefully they'll get Paul's face the right way round for the actual broadcast

  4. dany lynen says:

    I have seen this!! On Amazon. It is totally Fab and worth watching!

  5. pierzb says:

    this new programme "the beatles-inside the crazy world of apple" will get its 1st screening on Saturday 17th june at 9pm on sky arts channel…should be good I hear……lots of reminiscences and good footage.

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