New book with Paul’s song lyrics and stories

16 Responses

  1. Paul Foote says:

    total cost of book’s?

    • Brian from Canada says:

      $131 Canadian, so I am assuming around $99 US.
      The US cover is nowhere as nice as the UK’s though… too bad I can’t get the UK one here.

      • rick says:

        $100 is way too much money. Especially in these times. And Surely Paul doesn’t need the money

        • Shad Radna says:

          Allowing for inflation it is several times cheaper than the first edition of George Harrison’s autobiography from that prosperous year 1980. No doubt there will be subsequent cheaper editions, as there are for most books.

        • TheCroz says:

          You are so correct… especially in these times.. it should be free

        • Matthew says:

          It’s all in how you look at it. When I saw it was $100 for two hardback books totaling almost 1000 pages, packaged in a slipcase, I was surprised it was that inexpensive.

  2. Uwe says:

    And there will be only ONE edition? Not multiple colour / extra-photos-songs edition????

  3. jack says:

    I’m going to wait for the year following to buy the updated version with additional songs and photos. Or should I wait two years for the updated, updated version? Tough decision as Paul needs a new sheep.

  4. Yeah, I’ll wait, too, for the price to
    go down a little. It is a wonderful idea and project, just very costly.

  5. Terry says:

    I am looking forward to it. Although it’s silly expensive, a Kindle edition is available cheaper, and it’s in the run-up to Xmas, so an excuse for someone to splash out. However I wil be disappointed if all we get is Let It Be: had a dream about my mother… Yesterday: I woke up one morning with a tune in my head… and so on. It had better have some new stuff in!

  6. Charles from Canada says:

    I ordered the UK version from Rough Trade. No problem with International orders.

  7. ANGEL says:

    can we know the list of songs discussed on the books ?

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