Get Back Blu-ray: Further delays

Some copies of the Beatles’ “Get Back” 3-disc Blu-ray and DVD sets made it out to the public in the USA before the product was recalled, due to the fact that the 2.0 stereo audio selection was faulty. It played surround sound. There has been no official word on when the replacement sets would be released. Meanwhile in Europe, the release date of February 28 stayed on for a while, until it was announced by the official Beatles Store to have been delayed to delayed to May 27.

But yesterday, Amazon (UK and Germany) set a new release date of 31 December 2022 on their listings and customers were reporting to have received emails from the company:

Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:
“The Beatles: Get Back – Blu-ray Collector’s Set [Region Free]”
Estimated arrival date: January 07 2023 – January 17 2023
One of our aims is to provide a convenient and efficient service but in this case, we’ve fallen short. Please accept our sincere apologies.”

Amazon (UK) listing at a bargain price – be quick!

The JB HiFi online store in Australia also has December 31, as release date:

Without any official word from The Beatles/Disney/Apple, we don’t quite know how to interpret all this. Perhaps the campaign for inclusion of a “Director’s Cut” edition or bonus material has made them re-think and add some more value to the product? Or perhaps Disney+ are keen on still having the documentary series available exclusively on their streaming service? We’ll keep you posted.

49 Responses

  1. Ronald says:

    Would it be more practical to look for the release of the 1970 Let It Be film first? Or a CD of the Rooftop Concert?

  2. Rob Geurtsen says:

    Wow, somebody is seriously f@#$%^& – up at Apple or Disney. This is really getting worse for The Beatles image, after a flawed and unclear edition of the Let It Be – anniversary box set that fell far below the mark, we see increasingly lack of transparency and both consumer and artist are losing here. So bad.

    • Win Cor says:

      Too many solo projects on the way snd Let it Be

    • Shad+Radna says:

      There was a problem with the thousands of discs they had produced, which was only spotted at the last minute. We know this is true (and that what they said they were going to release is what they are going to release) because some of the sets made it out to customers before they could be recalled. Which means that even more of the sets had made it out to retailers. So now Disney have thousands of discs that they first have to “get back”, and then they’ve got to go through each one to open, replace the faulty disc, close, and reseal. Plus, they need the replacement discs to be manufactured at short notice. It’s not surprising that they wouldn’t know exactly how long that will take. Personally I give them some credit for delaying the release and attempting to fix the problem. Often in situations like this companies just let the discs out and then customers have to go through a returns process.

  3. Arno says:

    Fantastic. Not even the Xmas sale of 2022 Disney+ and Get Back will be a part of…Releasedate 31. december 2022. How stupid!

  4. absinthe says:

    Disney proves time and time again that they’re not up to the task. Neil Aspinall is rolling over in his grave.

    • Cristiano says:

      Really? Good old Neil, who didn’t want the 2009 remastered CDs to be released? The same Neil who (Anthology being the lone exception) kept the vaults sealed for decades? Really? Come on.. hahaha

  5. TheHutt says:

    Amazon’s “Dec 31” is just a standard placeholder date when the real date is unknown.

  6. William Campbell says:

    In the past, I have seen Amazon use a release date of December 31st when they expect a product to be arriving sometime in the near future, but they aren’t given an exact date by the supplier.

    So I wouldn’t expect the last day of 2022 to be the actual release date. It’s just a placeholder until more accurate information is available.

    • Cristiano says:


    • Shad+Radna says:

      Plus, it’s a Saturday. Essentially, if you don’t know when something’s going to be released, you put the date back a long way to try to limit the number of times you’ll have to send out emails like the one above. HMV sometimes have blu rays and DVDs with release dates a couple of years in the future. It doesn’t mean anything.

      • admin says:

        Someone in Los Angeles reported on Facebook that he has been informed that his copy was shipped yesterday and will arrive today. So I guess that means the USA edition is out.

  7. rgsalin says:

    I feel this is against The Beatles image. On the other hand, taking into account that no extras are to be included on the Blu-Ray/DVD, I don’t care when they release it. I feel so disappointed.

  8. CGholson says:

    “Perhaps the campaign for inclusion of a “Director’s Cut” edition or bonus material has made them re-think and add some more value to the product?”
    We hope, hope, hope. This will not be just an entertainment DVD, it is a historical archive of the most revered and popular band over at least a couple of decades or so. Let’s hope Disney gives the thumbs up to Peter Jackson to add an even more complete record of those events in January, 1969!!

  9. Jeffrey Ceragno says:

    Again Apple has dribbled all over itself. Bootleggers have already released the rooftop as a separate disc and, . there is even a 14 cd disc set of all the other crap they did.Thank god they didn’t include a knob from the recording console or they would have charged 1,000 dollars for the set. But that’s another story.

  10. L says:

    Hopefully, Apple/Disney use this as an opportunity to go back to the drawing board and release it with the bonus content Peter Jackson has been talking about in interviews, along with a re-edit of the Rooftop Concert, complete performances of “Two of Us”, “Long And Winding Road” and “Let It Be” and the 1970 Let It Be film. The market for this Blu-Ray are the hardcore fans anyway.

  11. Blakey says:

    All these delays remind me of that ‘Deja Vu’ sketch from Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Never bloody ending and hilarious.

  12. Cristiano says:

    European Amazon sites now show June 6,2022 as the new release date!!

  13. Brian says:

    I just got an email from JB HI FI Australia that the new release date is still to be confirmed

  14. Kozmo says:

    Interesting… and puzzling! I got an email from Amazon US just the other day that my DVD (not Blu-Ray) had shipped! I’m expecting delivery tomorrow!

    • Kozmo says:

      Still waiting for delivery; I see that recalled or not, some DVDs slipped out in the US at least, a fellow on eBay has one up for sale for $225! Not a bootleg. Does this reflect a true scarcity, or a purely opportunistic move?

      • Kozmo says:

        And STILL running “late.” Uh-oh!! It was picked up for delivery the 25th but has been in limbo since.

        • Kozmo says:

          Now I’m informed by Amazon that the shipment “may have been lost” and all I can do is request a refund, NOT a replacement. Something very crooked is going on here.

          • Kozmo says:

            One enterprising fellow on eBay has two copies of the Blu-Ray Collector’s Set, sealed, up for sale: $999.99. Whoa, Nellie!

          • Kozmo says:

            It’s HERE!! Arrived a week late, but to my surprise, showed up at my mailbox the day of my last posting here. I’ve yet to unwrap it, wondering if it could really fetch hundreds of dollars in mint condition and if I’d be willing to part with it for that until the revised edition comes out?

  15. Brendan Martin says:

    I hope we’re all still alive when they eventually get it out. None of us who were Beatles fans from thievery start in 1962 aren’t getting any younger!

  16. pepperland says:

    this all comes 10-20 years too late. apple can still release that stuff with a lot of noise, but imo this all has lost its importance. many who buy this stuff r far over fifty and in this age, u r no longer so on fire to own all this stuff, especially the get back stuff which,what the outtake vinyls or cds show, is mostly rubbish. and I say that as a huge beatles fan.

    • Ronald says:

      A fan who possibly didn’t want any of the outtakes released on the 4 recent box sets, not forgetting the Anthology CDs? Perhaps 81 years old Ringo and 79 years old Paul might not agree with you.

      • pepperland says:

        look, this is all now 50 years ago. I have tons of beatles boots and Ím still their biggest fan, but I stick to my opinion that this all comes 20 years too late. and that what apple releases r often the smallest common denominater. and remember, before the anthology, nothin happened the 25 years before.
        and yes, paul and ringo as „huge beatles fans“ might see that in a different way. who wonders 😊

        • Ronald says:

          Better late than never. These were the only filmed recording sessions. Historic. No headphones because they were playing live as they did for the Please Please Me sessions. Truly getting back to where they once belonged.

      • Glenn says:

        Outtakes are one thing, but most of the Get Back material was not recorded on multitrack tape. It’s just the Nagra rolls, which are freely available. And most of that is just a band messing around. While interesting, not really worth many repeat listens.

        While working from home, I confess to playing A/B Road in the room next to my office. It sounds like The Beatles are rehearsing in the next room, and every now and then something interesting pops up.

  17. Tom says:

    The US Apple store offers an expected ship date of April 22 — moved back from March 1. You don’t see this until after placing the Blu Ray in your cart.

  18. nateboy2 says:

    Rubber Soul and Revolver are the two albums I want in their own box sets. That and a Shea Stadium Blu Ray, and Let It Be Blu Ray with a complete Rooftop concert included. Then, and only then, will I be at peace with Beatles releases. I’m still debating whether to buy Peter Jackson’s movie, since I can stream it when I want.

    • Kozmo says:

      Waiting for the reissue program to catch up to Magical Mystery Tour!! They skipped right past that one and we deserve to see that get the same deluxe reissue treatment.

      • Kozmo says:

        But yeah, for sure Rubber Soul and Revolver need to be addressed.

      • nateboy2 says:

        I made my own remix copy of that album using the remixed tracks from the Blu-Ray, the songs on Beatles 1, and Baby You’re A Rich Man from the Yellow Submarine Songtack. It works, but I’ll agree that it was lame that it wasn’t released on its own. It especially should have been, since the Blu-Ray box set had the standard mixes included on CD. Dumbest move ever.

        • admin says:

          Yes, that was not forward thinking. I believe the “Help!” songs were also remixed for the DVD in 2007, but the 7 songs radio sampler CD they sent out had the standard mixes.

      • Ronald says:

        Magical Mystery Tour was originally a 6 track double EP. Add to that the 3 single tracks on the American LP – the other two were rightly included in the Sgt Pepper box set. Add the 4 Yellow Submarine songs also skipped over. And the single track You Know My Name. 14 songs worth a deluxe treatment. There should be enough interesting outtakes…..

  19. paulgardner says:


  20. Thomas Chase says:

    guaranteed the price will be higher on the next go around as well.

  21. Beenard says:

    I just got my DVD in the mail yesterday from Amazon

  22. Michael Schaalma says:

    If you “add to cart” in the U.S. store, it gives a release date of July 12, 2022. I sent a “negative” review on the Beatles web site about the delay but it was not posted because they only want to hear “positive” comments.

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