McCartney III for 2011?

All instruments played by Paul. Release is likely in autumn of 2011 due to all the reissues coming out this year. That’s about all we have heard.

Meanwhile, here’s the work in progress track list for McCartney II remastered bonus Disc number 2:

Coming Up (Wings Live Version)

Robber’s Ball

Waterfalls ( Original Demo, made at Waterfalls , May 1979)

Front Parlour (Long Version)

Summer’s Day Song (Instrumental)

Blue Sway (Instrumental)

All You Horse Riders

Darkroom (Different take, 11 min long)

Check My Machine

Secret Friend

Wonderful Christmastime

…and Bonus Disc 3…

Coming Up (long version)

Temporary Secretary (Different take)

You Know I’ll get you baby

No Values (Waterfalls Demo)

Seems like Old Time (Waterfalls Demo)

Mr H Atom

Check My Machine (Long Version)

Frozen Jap (Long Version)

Darkroom (Longer version, from the commercial take)

Attention (Waterfalls Demo)

Private Property (Waterfalls Demo)

2 Tracks are reserved to be given free for deluxe buyers:

-Bogey wobble

-Bogey Music (long version)

…and the DVD:

1. Waterfalls video

2. Coming Up live

3. Coming up video

4. The making of Coming up (12 minutes)

5. Cannes May 1980 Home Made Trip movie (with “Attention” and “This is the Man” (without M Jackson) demos from May), with a great sequence with Ringo at a french restaurant.

6. Wonderful Christmastime

12 Responses

  1. DiBoLandsTVAndNewsCenter says:

    what is your Source??

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is great news and hopefully will be the beginning of Paul letting loose some of the tracks from his vault. I know the source from where this came and it's as solid as its going to get. Let's just hope things don't change too much but with Paul…it usually does.

  3. Unknown says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Unknown says:

    It's a joke. But I still believe that Sir Paul is working on his new album. We'll see.

  5. wogew says:

    No joke, this was posted March 31st – I'm no April fool 😉

  6. Tony says:

    Oh great, just what we need – extended versions of some of McCartney's worst music. McCartney II is one of his worst. So why go for this one ahead of classics like Tug Of War, or Ram…

  7. Brian Fried says:


    If Paul went to the biggest for the Archives first, nobody would care about the series when it got to the other albums. This way, going semi-chronologically, fans may see some of those albums in different lights.

    As for the McCartney III thing, note that Paul plays pretty much all the instruments on Electric Arguments, and did most of the instruments on Chaos and Flaming Pie, so it's not something he hasn't done before.

  8. wogew says:

    I guess what signifies a "McCartney" album, apart from Paul playing all the instruments, is a number of instrumentals and sonic experimentation, wouldn't you say?

  9. Tony says:

    I don't see how 1973-1970-1980 is semi-chronological. I think "fans" already have all the bonus track on these albums, real fans anyway. My feeling is that promoting these re-releases in a big way is designed to sell to a wider audience. The casual or new buyer is going to hear these dreadful tracks (Secret Friend, All You Horse Riders, Darkroom etc ) and be put off buying any future McCartney re-releases, i.e. the good stuff. I remember clearly when Anthology 1 came out, high-profile promotion, and an eager fan put it on in my local pub. What did the punters hear – Cayenne, You'll Be Mine etc – you can bet it was quickly taken off. It should never have been promoted as a major new Beatles album, it must have put off so many potential new fans. Likewise the Lennon Anthology. And in my opinion, likewise McCartney II. It should have remained what it was, even back in 1980 – a collection of demos that Paul did for fun.

  10. Brian Fried says:


    In 1985, Columbia issued Band On The Run, McCartney, McCartney II and Ram, followed by the box set of the latter three. (Tug Of War, Pipes Of Peace and Broadstreet were also issued.)

    In 1987, Capitol issued Wild Life, Red Rose Speedway, Venus And Mars, Wings Over America and Wings Greatest.

    In 1989, Capitol finished with Speed Of Sound, London Town and Back To The Egg.

    That's the chronology I was referring to.

    As for McCartney II being promoted as a "major" release, Band On The Run didn't get that much here (in fact, most stores I went to didn't carry it!) and I doubt they'd be rushing for other re-releases.

    The only re-release that's gotten major push lately is Springsteen's The Promise because (a) it's Bruce, (b) it's a long-hidden gem a la The Beach Boys' Smile, and (c) it's all unreleased.

    The next major push for McCartney will be his next NEW album.

  11. Photocar says:

    Personally, I prefer mcCartney's more experimental and fun material. McCartney II has long been one of my favorites. My issue is that it's hard to get too excited about these (rather expensive) reissues when so much of it has been readily available on bootlegs for years, which often are more complete or more accessible. The recent Band on the Run is a perfect example. Sound quality upgrades are nice and an 11 minute "darkroom" sounds interesting but really who can afford these extravagently priced repackages?

  12. Unknown says:

    I would love to see a McCartneyIII or ANYTHING with new material, really, I love the remastered and live stuff, and I'd buy most of it, but there's nothing like the adventure of hearing something you never heard of before, specially when talking about Sir Paul.

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