Abbey Road Studios: Open days

4 Responses

  1. Dutch says:

    I visited two years ago and it was far out and fab. Studio 2 is pretty much unchanged from when The Beatles were recording there. I very much enjoyed roaming around the studio, watching original instruments and recording equiment on display, and walking up the stairs to the control room. If you have the chance to be in London that week, I urge you to go. It is a bit pricy but I found it to be absolutely worthwhile and an unforgettable experience.

  2. Rande B says:

    They let us take pictures of Studio 2 in 2019, is that no longer allowed?

  3. Glenn Milam says:

    They let us take pictures in Studio 2 in 2018, although the lighting was not conducive to good pictures. But no photos in the hallways and other areas. They said it was privacy concerns for whoever might be recording there at the time.

    • admin says:

      I have taken photos there in 1983, 1996 and 2012. The reason they are not allowing it this time around is stated on their “Open house” webpage: “Given the nature of some of the items on display during the tour, guests will be asked NOT to take any photographs or videos at all during their visit”

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