Hunter Davies donates his research material to the British Library

6 Responses

  1. David McKnight says:

    As a Curator of Manuscripts, Archivist and Rare Book Librarian, the news that
    Hunter Davies has donated his research materials to the British Library is to
    put it simply fantastic. Hopefully the BL will process the collection in a timely
    manner. Barry Miles Papers are at Columbia (or a good portion); we now
    await the fate of Mark Lewisohn’s papers. Come on Mark finish the remaining
    two volumes of Tune In and donate your research archive to the BL. Thank you
    BL and Hunter Davies for making your generous gift.

    David McKnight,

  2. Rick says:

    He could’ve given it to me. I would’ve gladly taken it.

  3. John Auld says:

    I read a long while ago that Hunter was going to do this as a way of avoiding paying outstanding Tax debt.

    • Shad Radna says:

      As I understand it, he donated Lennon letters and handwritten song lyrics under The Cultural Gifts Scheme in 2013. Presumably this donation has been made under the same scheme. The scheme encourages people to leave such material to the nation in return for a deduction in their tax bill, in that case spread over five years. The deduction will always be considerably less than the market value of the gift, so if he had a significant outstanding tax debt then he’d probably have done better to sell the material on the open market.

  4. James W Percival says:

    A great decision, especially when one considers that he could easily have sold these for a lot of money. But Hunter has never been interested in exploiting his collection.
    I listened to several ML interviews on YouTube during lockdown, and this question came up. Mark is certainly intending to donate his huge archive, so let’s hope it is to the British Library.

  5. Kevin says:

    I suppose you could say that The Beatles Anthology book is also an “authorized” biography, since the former Fabs created it and approved it.

    Also, I can barely make out a word here and there of these notes, so I hope these papers get transcribed in typeset form!

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