Two 1963 recordings emerge

On the 5th of April 1963 at EMI House in London, The Beatles were awarded their first silver disc, for sales of more than 250,000 copies of their single “Please Please Me”. They received their award from their producer George Martin.
During the presentation ceremony the group gave a private performance to an audience consisting of record company executives and “the men from the press”, journalists and photographers.

A recording of two songs appeared online today, confirming that the Beatles played their still unreleased follow-up at the time, “From me to you”, and the subject of the day, “Please please me”.

The recording premiered on a Beatles radio show in USA, “Breakfast with The Beatles” with André Gardner on his final show, a radio show which has been running for 32 years.

According to The Beatles aide, Tony Bramwell, the presentation may have been recorded for broadcast on the popular “Radio Luxemburg” pan-European radio station.

As usual in 1963, The Beatles kept themselves busy, and while in London, The Beatles also made their first visit to the Mayfair offices of their accounting firm, Bryce Hanmer, Isherwood & Company.

24 Responses

  1. seanroper13 says:

    Wow. Very cool.

  2. Rick says:

    That’s very clear. Though I’m sure it’s been cleaned up quite a bit but even so it’s great to hear

  3. Awesome find! Does anyone know who had these recordings and how and when they were unearthed?

  4. Uwe says:

    Am I the only one who finds this more exciting than then whole“ Get Back“- project?

    • Michael J Hockinson says:

      (Crickets chirping.)

    • Rick O'Casey says:

      Interesting that sometimes there are those who much prefer the early Beatles up to around ’66 or so and those who prefer the later music/films/videos. I am one of those who likes both phases of their careers for their own musical and cultural merits. Not much can exceed the excitement I felt leading up to the Get Back movie and then having the long-awaited opportunity to virtually hang out with the Beatles in the recording studio. (Its not a perfect endeavor but I expect we will see different approaches of the Get Back footage in the future if we live long enough). Stay healthy!

      • Win Corr says:

        They need to do a good box for 1963 including music and film clips and follow with a comprehensive 1964 including the dealing with the press. Beatles First Visit needs a cleanup and expansion.

      • vern gibbons says:

        I am one of those who does much prefer the early Beatles more pure rock and roll than the later material. I love both but do find I play the early stuff much more than the later.

        • Rick says:

          To each their own. But both the early and later material are great much better then 99.99% of the crap out there today. Which I’m sure everyone on here will agree to

        • Maccafan says:

          No you’re not the only one, I also prefer their earlier material! As you said they rocked more in the early days!

    • Robert says:

      Yes I’m afraid your the only one who thinks that

    • abeatlesfan says:

      Yes, you are the only one.

  5. Sam Giles says:

    I would imagine these will be soon be available on a copyright-expired ‘grey area’ 7″ single…

  6. bob says:

    Nice find. Their performances are spot on in both songs. George has really got his guitar singing in these 2 tunes..

  7. Kent says:

    “You can carry on drinking now! “;-)

  8. abeatlesfan says:

    It is wonderful to hear things we never heard before. The early Beatles have a special place in my heart. They excited me, 11 years old, almost 12. I have had a life long love affair with them. They were quite good in this performance. Wow. I would love to hear more. I did see them live in 66 at Shea Stadium but I would have given anything to see them in 63-64.

  9. Anthony Zangara says:

    Sounds good. Very similar to BBC Volume 2,released 2013,both songs. Get Back = Very Big Deal, we are so lucky to see & hear…

  10. Billo says:

    Unbelievable – an early live Beatles recording where the vocals are crystal-clear and balanced!

  1. January 12, 2022

    […] Japan, the new Beatles material that we reported surfacing Sunday has already been slated for a new 2CD bootleg on the Valkyrie label, called “The road to the […]

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