Bootleg Recordings 1964 coming

9 Responses

  1. chris says:

    Surely the 1964 tracks are now out of copyright? Doesn't that defeat the object of this exercise?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Chris, the copyright for everything 1964 expires after December 31, 2014.

  3. James Peet says:

    You can bet it'll be as expensive as last year's release. I've never felt so grubby buying a legitimate product, something I never felt buying a bootleg.

    I seem to remember it was £35 here. Guess I won't be eating until roughly 1 January!

  4. dps says:

    Beach Boys' 1964 compilations already out:

  5. Nighthawk says:

    Wow. Exciting! Does this mean at the end of 2017 we'll finally get "Carnival Of Light"?

  6. Anonymous says:

    hasn't Nighthawk just made everybody's xmas 2017?

    This I had not previously considered! Had YOU?

    I therefore hope that the convoluted argument that another legally-minded Fabs fan had put as to why there will be no further bootleg recordings comps is W.R.O.N.G.

    (The upshot is that there is a provision for a non-release method of copyright extension in Europe which may well have been already taken up by Apple. However, there are further complexities which make that provision, unpublic as it is, difficult for Apple/Universal to apply if they want to copyright it to Calderstone, as they do. I could go on without definitive information at this point but it is the fact that the copyright originally belonged to EMI that is among the head-scratchings of variables.)

  7. Anonymous says:

    By the way, both George and Paul said around Anthology in 1996 that ('Let It Be Naked' aside which George was already referring to) further releases of unreleased material from Apple should be called 'Scraping The Bottom of The Barrel'.

    Isn't it time for this set to be assigned a catalogue number?


  8. angel says:

    were the "bootleg recording 1964" finally released ?

  9. wogew says:

    No, the project was abandoned with the result now that Europe is now flooded with concert recordings etc on small labels.

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