McCartney III and “Archives” news

From an “insider” in the know: The choice of the “Archive” releases of the two McCartney solo albums (McCartney and McCartney II) will be linked to the opening of the HP Cloud in June.

The forthcoming new solo album “McCartney III” was recorded beetween England and New York, totally solo and without strings and horns, just Paul himself on all instruments. The album has a possible date of release in the autumn, around the opening of the new ballet in New York (a love story titled “Ocean’s Kingdom” which will have its premiere at New York City Ballet’s fall gala on Sept. 22).

In November, Paul and Linda McCartney’s Ram and Wings’ Venus & Mars should be the next deluxe remasters with some great bonuses lined up.

5 Responses

  1. Roger says:

    Sounds like wonderfull news!! But who is this "insider in the know"??

  2. wogew says:

    If we told, he/she would be exposed, y'know

  3. Roger says:

    Yes, of course. We wouldn't want that. But I understand that this source have provided pre-release info before, that proved to be correct?? In that case, this is good news indeed! Although we've had loads of one-man-band-McCartney releases since "Flaming pie", or nearly one-man-band, I should perhaps say… It's rather strange he doesn't use his touring band more in the studio. But a new album "Coming up" is always good news.

  4. Brian Fried says:

    Roger: Flaming Pie was mostly one-man because it wasn't needed by the record company. Run Devil Run was a band of his choosing, as was Driving Rain. Chaos & Creation is the only McCartney-driven record since Pie — unless you count The Fireman records.

    That said, I agree with you on the band. They're so amazing, use them more!

  5. Roger says:

    Well, I said NEARLY one-man-band. And don't forget "Memory almost full"!! A one-man album apart from 6 of the 13 songs.

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